NORTON SECRET STUFF - README.TXT Copyright (c) 1997 Symantec Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Welcome to version 1.0 of Norton Secret Stuff (NSS) Please read this document carefully; it contains important information not included in the help file. BEFORE USING THIS PROGRAM FOR THE FIRST TIME, PLEASE REVIEW THE FILE "LICENSE.TXT" THAT ACCOMPANIED THIS PROGRAM. The file "LICENSE.TXT" outlines the licensing terms and conditions governing your use of this program. To print this file in Notepad or WordPad, choose Print from the File menu. If you use another word processor, select the entire document and format the text in 10-point Courier before printing to ensure proper spacing. To print this file at the DOS prompt, type COPY README.TXT PRN:. ================== Using NSS In Win95 ================== The easiest way to use NSS under Windows 95 is to set up a shortcut for NSS. Make sure that the files SECRET.EXE, SECRET.HLP, README.TXT, and LICENSE.TXT are copied to the same directory. Right-click on the desktop and choose NEW/SHORTCUT. Use the Browse button to select SECRET.EXE. Name the shortcut Norton Secret Stuff. Compatibility Issues ===================== Long filenames (LFNs) are maintained if the NSS archive is expanded on Windows 95 systems. LFNs are converted to DOS (8.3) format if the archive is expanded on DOS, Windows 3.x, or Windows NT systems. On certain machines, NSS may be slow returning from the "Select a File to Encrypt" dialog if you add a large number of files. The mouse cursor will not change to an hourglass during this process. Due to differences in the way extended ASCII characters are handled by Win95, Win NT, Win 3.x, and DOS, it is possible to create an NSS archive with a name that decrypts on Win95 or Win NT systems but not on Win 3.x or DOS systems. To correct this, you can use a Win95 or Win NT system to decrypt the file or you can rename it using characters that are valid under DOS and Win 3.x.